Ad-Astra! To The Stars! In Peace For All Mankind!
Founded 1986 - Incorporated 1990 - Presently Seeking International Treaty Status
Registered United States Trademark & Copyrights - 1986 to 2019 - All Rights Are Reserved
New York State Non-Profit Corporation - Scientific & Aerospace - Research & Development & Consulting
Incorporated In 1990 As United Space Federation, Inc. / DBA Since 1986 International Space Agency (ISA)
Mailing Address: International Space Agency, P.O. Box 541053, Omaha, Nebraska 68154
Phone: Omaha Nebraska Administrative Offices: (402) 299-2799 / Phone: Washington, D.C. Diplomatic Offices: (202) 917-0209
PUBLIC ALERT - 3 July 2019 International Space Agency was made aware that ORGANIZED CRIME had somehow ?canceled? our Registered Trademark #3074813 with U.S. Trademark Office. This MAFIA/DEEPSTATE criminal act occurred 4 November 2016 by MARK C. YOUNG - The International Space Agency DID NOT AUTHORIZE THIS!!
LEGAL NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: This Is The Only Official Site Of The International Space Agency Organization, No Other Sites Or Information On The Internet Has Anything To Do With Our Organization (That's Not Referenced Or Linked To Here). This Notice Is Because A Criminal Cult Has Been Stalking International Space Agency Personnel And Manufacturing False Information & Sites To Cause Confusion And Harm In Mass Media. If Any Organization Or Person Is Using The International Space Agency Name Or Public Identity; They Are Breaking United States Trademark And Copyright Laws And Should Be Reported To The ISA Organization Or FBI. Sadly, False Information, Fake News, Weaponized Social Media Gossip, Lies And Malicious Propaganda Of Every Type, And Criminal/Cult/Terrorist Activity On The Internet Has Become Repressive & Overwhelming. Thank You For Your Understanding In This Matter.
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The International Space Agency “ISA” International Space Administration; was formed to act as an “Enabler” and “Conduit” for Peaceful, Cooperative, Collaborative, and Joint Global “International” Civil Space Activities by the Major Space Nations, Developing Space Nations, and In General the Global Space Community; to Plan, Develop, Promote, Encourage, and Increase Overall Cooperation in the Area of Government, Commercial, Scientific, Academic, Private Cooperative Global Space Efforts and Activities, for Strictly Peaceful and Non-Military, Purposes, and to the Common Benefit of the Peoples of Earth.
The International Space Agency “ISA”, was Founded in 1986 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Incorporated in New York State as a Scientific & Aerospace – Research & Development and Consulting, Not-for-Profit Corporation in 1990, by its Founder, Admiral, Rick R. Dobson, Jr., and had its birthplace at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. The ISA is presently Seeking International Treaty -&- Charter Status by the Global Space Community, by gaining Governmental and Non-Governmental Membership and Signatories to the ISA Charter. The International Space Agency Organization is a strictly non-political and non-ideological organization. The International Space Agency is an American Corporation with an International/Multi-National/Global Mission and Purpose, and is NOT a World Space Agency; and is in NO WAY under the Control Of or Part Of the United Nations. The International Space Agency is NOT an "Affirmative Action Organization", and is a Quality, Standards, Professional, and Equal Opportunity based organization.,which maintains High Personnel Standards and Ethics, with a FOCUS on Total Quality Management "TQM" in ALL ELEMENTS of its Administration, Management, Operations, Research & Development, Technology, Programs, Projects, Missions, and Services.
From 1990 to Present, the ISA has conducted numerous formal International Diplomatic Meetings in Washington, D.C., and many hundreds of private and informal meetings, with key persons from over 43 Nations, representing the Governmental, Commercial, Scientific, Academic, and Private Space Sectors and Communities, which participated in, and attended these meetings. The First Historic International Space Agency Meeting took place at the Carnegie Endowment For International Peace in Washington, D.C. on the 22nd of May 1992. These meetings have been very successful in building growing global support, networks, and understanding, for the ISA Charter, and the ISA Vision, Mission, and Goals Globally. The ISA continues to the Present Day, to promote, develop, and conduct Global Diplomacy, Out Reach, and Public Relations and Efforts to this end’s. The International Space Agency maintains its activities and relationships in the "Strictest Proprietary and Confidential Manner", and does not sell, share, or provide outside its INTERNAL OFFICIAL USE any such Confidential or Proprietary Relationships. All international Space Agency Personnel are required to sign a secrecy & non-disclosure agreement to insure that strict proprietary & confidential policies are in force. At present the International Space Agency is small and has limited resources to protect and defend itself, so it has been the victim of STATE SPONSORED & POWERFUL CORPORATE & CULT SYNDICATES who have used MASSIVE Financial, Political, and Organized Criminal TARGETING of the International Space Agency Organization, and its Founder , Personnel, and Supporters. We ask those of Power, Influence, and Wealth who have a GENUINE HEART and TRUE INTENT OF GOOD WILL, to HELP US, PROTECT US, and provide the SUPPORT, FUNDING, and POLITICAL EXPERTISE to allow the SPIRIT and VISION of the International Space Agency to GROW, MATURE, and SUCCEED! The International Space Agency, and its Personnel and Founder stand HUMBLY IN YOUR SERVICE. Ad-Astra! To The Stars! In Peace For All Mankind!
From October 10th to October 19th of 2002 the ISA had a presence at the World Space Congress in Houston, Texas. This is the largest of the international space sector events Globally, and is held just every 10 years. Every major Nation and Organization involved in the Space Sector, and Space Exploration, Technology, and Science had a presence at the 2002 World Space Congress. The ISA made many formal appeals for support at this event, and conducted two “2” international press conferences. The International Space Agency also participated in and attended the 1992 World Space Congress in Washington, D.C.., and has since 1990 conducted or participated in hundreds of important meetings. The International Space Agency intends to participate in the 2022 World Space Congress. The International Space Agency is also planning for Proprietary and Diplomatic Meetings in Washington, D.C. in late 2019 or early 2020. If your Embassy in Washington, D.C. or Corporate Leadership wish to participate in these meetings, use the contact form at the bottom of this website, or send a written request to participate to: International Space Agency, P.O. Box 541053, Omaha, Nebraska 68154 In either message include in the subject header or request the following: "Want To Participate In Proprietary Diplomatic Meetings"
The desire to develop increased international cooperation in space exploration and science is at an all time high. The ISA has benefited dramatically from this present spirit of good will and hope by the international space community, and it is the ISA’s hope that this spirit of good will and hope can be fully utilized.
A number of major space nations and organizations are now very eager to make the ISA Vision & Mission a serious part of their future plans, and the center of any future international space activities. This support presently is at a point, that with serious interest and support by the International Space Community; Could lead to a very dramatic and historic beginning to a new and exciting chapter in Human Space Exploration by the Global Space Community.
Here is just one of many projects the ISA will undertake, “with International Support & Leadership”, to benefit its member Nations and Organizations, by providing tangible cost savings, conserving limited resources, making better use of intellectual assets globally, and deploying space activities beyond the capability of the National Domain and Potential:
An International Space Plane Program, utilizing a state of the art Eltromagnetic Assisted Space Launch System, which would provide routine and daily Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO) operations and capability, which would be Managed like Airbus in Europe. This SSTO Space Plane Technology would be a 100% reusable space launch system, which would have unlimited potential. *Note: In every U.S. Space Shuttle launch the 13 story high main tank, which were worth many millions of U.S.A. taxpayer dollars and represented large amounts of high-grade metal ores and man-hours, was totally wasted on every launch. As it was burned up on reentry after separation from the shuttle. All vertical launch vehicles presently in use by the U.S.A. and the world’s space powers waste about 70% of the vertical launch vehicle, similar to the same dramatic waste represented by the example of the main tank of the USA Shuttle Transportation System. A fully reusable International Space Plane Program would offer a sustainable and tangible solution and alternative to these substantial problems of waste of critical resources and orbital debris.
Just a few other space projects that would benefit from the support of the International Space Community, through the ISA; include: Mars Missions & Base & Settlement; Return to Luna “Earths Moon” to Stay; Advanced Solar System Exploration; Astronomy; Space Sciences; Astrobiology; Complex Space Ships & Craft; Orbital Space Stations; Space & Planetary Bases and Settlements; Central Space Sciences Databases and Archives; and any future Deep Space and Extra-Solar Exploration Programs, Asteroid & Comet Global Watch & Tracking Program to find, identify, and catalog potential Earth Impactors and to develop Global Plans to alter the course of, or destroy any such dangerous Earth impactors. Also Earth Orbital Remote Sensing Programs for Space Weather and Earth Systems & Resources.

It is “NOT” the Purpose or Mission of the International Space Agency, “I.S.A.”, to Directly Compete With, or Replace, Existing International or National, Space Agencies, Organizations, or Programs, but indeed to support, encourage, enable, unify, enhance, and build upon them. And to act as a focused conduit for the efficient use of limited resources.
It is, therefore, critical, very important, and central to the organizational vision, goals, and mission of the International Space Agency, “I.S.A.”, to initiate, enable, and carry out the following core and key directives:
To Utilize and Incorporate Into the Future International Space Agency Planning, Goals, Programs, Projects, Missions, Services, and Efforts, whenever possible and feasible, the Already Existing: international, and national, “government, non-government, commercial, scientific, academic, and private - entities, organizations, and persons”; Space: colonization, exploration, exploitation, commerce & trade, and scientific - “treaties, contracts, agreements, programs, technology research & development, projects, missions, and human space exploration and settlement activities”.
To Create and Establish the Elected Board Of Directors “E.B.O.D.” which will act as the Executive Cabinet to the I.S.A. Director, and as Direct Advisors to the ISA Executive Branch, “the International Space Administration”, and which will assist the I.S.A. Director in governing, implementing, and overseeing all I.S.A. programs, projects, missions, services, and efforts which have been approved by the Space Regulation Commission “S.R.C.”, National Space Powers Assembly “N.S.P.A”, and the Space Planning Commission “S.P.C.” of the International Space Agency, I.S.A..
To Create, Establish, Set Up, the (3) Main Organizational Elements of the International Space Agency, being:
1) The Space Regulation Commission “S.R.C.” the Governing and Regulatory Branch of the I.S.A.; The National Space Powers Assembly “N.S.P.A.” the Governing Body of the S.R.C. which consists of the Seven (7) I.S.A. member national governments with the highest cumulative contributions to the I.S.A. calculated annually, and “N.S.P.A.” members will have veto powers during all S.R.C. activities; and all Cycle & Phase activities of I.S.A. Operations, Programs, Projects, Missions.
2) The Space Planning Commission “S.P.C.” the Planning and Oversight Branch of the I.S.A.;
3) And Lastly, The International Space Administration, the Executive Branch of the I.S.A.; which will consist of the: International Space Agency, I.S.A. Directors Cabinet to the International Space Administration, International Space Commands, International Space Centers, International Space Academy, Judge Advocate General “J.A.G.”, Security And Investigations “S.A.I.”, International Space Operations Center “I.S.O.C.”, International Super Computer Center “I.S.C.C.”, International Asteroid/Comet Center “IACC”, International Space News “I.S.N.”, and International Space Agency Foundation
To Seek, Develop, Acquire: Assets, Resources, Funding, Grants, Donations, Contributions from Government, Non-Government, and Public: agencies, corporations, organizations, institutes, and persons; in order to enable the I.S.A. to achieve its vision, founding purpose, charter, goals, mission as required, needed, and approved by its governing bodies & membership.
To Seek, Develop, Acquire: International Treaty And Charter Status, by obtaining and securing signatory member nations, governments, and non-government organizations to the I.S.A. charter, and thereby creating global/international support and understanding for the I.S.A. charter, founding purpose, goals, and mission, and also secure direct support through the creation and ratifying of treaties, contracts, and agreements by, between, and on the behalf of, I.S.A. member nations, governments, agencies, corporations, institutions, organizations, and the International Space Agency, I.S.A.
To Seek, Develop, Recruit, and Acquire: Diplomats, Representatives, Appointees, Elected Officials, Administrators, Officers, Staff, Managers, Supervisors, Personnel, Employees, Volunteers, and Government and Public Support and Participation, “for; and service and employment in”, the International Space Agency, I.S.A. Organization, in the fulfillment of its vision, charter, founding purpose, goals, programs, projects, missions, and efforts globally.
To Seek, Develop, Achieve: Direct Diplomatic Communications with the United Nations (UN) and, Therefore, the Broader International “Global” Community, in order to gain critical insight into world events which may affect I.S.A. operations, commitments, obligations, agreements, or treaties, and to allow any non-member I.S.A. Nations and Non-Government Organizations an alternate and neutral forum in which to communicate or interact with the I.S.A. However, it must be clear, that the International Space Agency will “NOT” In Any Way, be a part of, or under the control of, the U.N..
I.S.A. Global Vision, is to Endeavor to Bring Together Many Organizations & Individuals in the International Civil Space Community, For Strictly Peaceful Purposes, collaborative, cooperative, and joint space exploration, exploitation, research, science, and human settlement. Primarily, “FIRSTLY”, on the behalf of, and to benefit, its ”MEMBER” Nations, and non-government commercial, industrial, academic, and private organizations; and In General, “Secondly”, on the behalf of, and to benefit of, Peoples of the World Community, Earth. Like Regional Efforts of European Space Agency & Airbus Industries.
I.S.A. is Restricted by its Charter, from Engaging In, or Assisting In, or Contributing To, Military Conflicts or Disputes between its members, or the world community at large. However, due to the major involvement of national military organizations in space research, technology, and personnel training suitable for space environments, the I.S.A. may cooperate with national military organizations, as long as resources and/or assistance by, or from, the I.S.A. are/is not used to support military activities or conflicts, when approved, and as appropriate. Example would be, recruitment of pilots & technicians.

International Space Agency ( I.S.A. )
Presently Underway -&- Under Development Or Planned
Or Proposed For International Treaty Or Charter Approval
International Space Plane (ISP) Program
Electromagnetic Assisted Launch (IEAL) System
PURPOSE: (ISP) Program Is Based On 5 Basic Principles:
1) “Ballistic & Non-Aerodynamic Lifting Vehicles” which are designed as Disposable “Expendable” Launch Vehicles are not efficient; waste large amounts of precious materials and human resources; and present a space debris hazard in Earths Orbit “Orbiting Debris” and on the Earths Surface “Reentry Debris”.
2) Using EXTERNAL energy sources not carried on (in) a space launch vehicle increases the launch vehicles fuel efficiency and cargo carrying capability, (Assisted Launch), and applies “First Stage” Launch Velocities “Or Substantial Part Of” Single Stage To Orbital Insertion Velocities.
3) A totally reusable “One-Vehicle Architecture” is the most cost, materials, and labor effective, and operationally sound strategy to employ in a space launch vehicle. Terminology: Single Stage To Orbit “SSTO” – Launch & Return Vehicle “LRV” – Reusable Space Vehicle “RSV” – Aerodynamic Lifting Body “ALB” – Electromagnetic Assisted Launch “EAL”
4) Utilizing Earths atmosphere for aerodynamic lift and braking, and Oxygen (O2) for propulsion, will increase the space launch vehicles efficiency and capabilities. Also, Strategically Launching from the Earths Equator will add free “Launch To Orbital Velocity” to any launch vehicle.
5) Creating a NEW launch philosophy, systems, and technologies that will allow for a wide range of mission requirements and capabilities with out numerous, repetitive, costly, and wasteful redesign and reconfiguration. In effect, the assisted launch system employed in a modern Aircraft Carrier Catapult System for Launching Aircraft of varying Types, Weights, and Capabilities; except the International Space Plane “ISP” Electromagnetic Assisted Launch “EAL” System would be scaled up and more sophisticated and advanced technology.

Program Directives, Objectives, And Base Line:
This is the basic configuration of the International Space Plane (ISP) Program and International Electromagnetic Assisted Space Launch (IEASL) System, which the International Space Agency (ISA) will support, promote, and push forward as strongly as possible, and is the premise on which we feel very confident of success in these regards, with the proper support & funding, as is requested for “Stage 1”.
The core propulsion element of the proposed IEASL System will be based on Electromagnet Repulsor Technology used only as a Propulsion Element, and "NOT" to Levitate or Suspend the EM Launch Sled & RLV/SSTO Space Plane during the launch sequence. No need to waste limited money and resources to try to manipulate and control this very precise and very hard to control approach of Levitation or Suspension, especially at Mach 1 to 2+, which must be achieved! The use of Electromagnetic Repulsor Technology for “Propulsion Only” is a relatively simple application, and is very straight forward, at least from a control standpoint. Turn the power level up and get more thrust; and, turn the power level down and get less thrust. The use of Electromagnetic Forces as the Core Propulsion Element means that "NO" Reaction Fuel (Liquid or Solid) and the Related Structure which would be required to house this Reaction Fuel and the Engine or Nozzle Elements that would be needed to Translate the Reaction Fuel into Propulsion Forces. This all adding up to great Mass, Bulk, and Complexity to the EM Launch Sled, RLV/SSTO Vehicle, and will also translate into much greater Loads/Stress on the EM Launch Sled, RLV/SSTO Vehicle, and Indeed on the IASL Ramp Structure which will be required to bear the Shear Mass & Weight of all this Reaction Fuel, Extra Structure, and Propulsion System whatever that may be; and as well, will bear the dramatically increased and induced Stress and Loads as a result of all this extra Mass on board. Using a Electromagnetic Repulsor Based Propulsion system means the Thrust or Propulsion Forces generated will be limited only by the amount of power that can be generated & transmitted to, and through, the IASL Ramp System & EM Launch Sled; and that "NO" Reaction Mass, Extra Structure, or Complex Propulsion System is required; so, the IASL System & EM Launch Sled would “ONLY” need to carry the Repulsor Coils & Structure to support the RLV/SSTO Space Plane, Only! This means Dramatically Less Onboard Mass, which will translate into a Dramatic Reduction in Mass & Complexity of the IASL System & EM Launch Sled, and related Stress & Forces on the Entire IASL System & Ramp Structure. This Electromagnetic Repulsor System would be able to provide a variety of Acceleration Forces and Release Speeds, just like an Aircraft Carrier Catapult System does on a smaller scale. Each RLV/SSTO Space Plane or Launch Vehicle, would have very different launch acceleration force & release speed requirements and specifications based on the vehicles mission parameters and cargo sensitivity to acceleration G-forces. Human & G-Sensitive Cargo Missions for "Low-G" Launch; and Non-Human & Non-G-Sensitive Cargo Missions for "High-G" Launch. Just exactly like a modern Aircraft Carrier Catapult launches a wide range of Aircraft Types, Sizes, and Weight; at a wide range of Acceleration G-Forces and Release Speeds.
Also, as far as the IEASL Ramp Launch Location and Configuration! A Location on the Earths Equator, or as Close as Possible; and to use a Mountain Site which can provide a near constant slope or grade as close to 45 degrees as possible; and to have a total Track Length between 4 & 7+ miles. This Launch Site will have a large airfield able to support a wide range of operations; both commercial passenger & cargo, and launch operations and related air traffic needs. RLV/SSTO Space Plane or Launch Vehicles can be built or serviced or received from orbit, from anywhere in the world, and then shuttled to the Orbital Launch Site with small intercontinental ferry trips, for launch preparation and orbital launch, at the primary IASL site, or sites. Brazil, would be a good and stable location.
Also, as far as the RLV/SSTO Vehicle, we are using the X-33 Venture Star as a “BASE LINE” vehicle. Other similar Space Plane efforts in Russia, Europe, India could also be used as potential candidates for the IEASL System as RLV/SSTO ISP Launch Vehicles, such as AVATAR, BE Sanger 600, and others as well. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel, and so intend to utilize what is here now!
* Keep it as simple, non-complex, and straightforward as possible, using as much off the shelf technology & knowledge as possible!
* Develop, Construct, and Operate the ISP Program & IEASL System in an Airbus Industries like Management Model, with a Philosophy of “Pay As You GO” & “Launch For Hire”, backed by Multi-National Government Core Infrastructure and Supported & Used By Private Sector Organizations & Entrepreneurial Investment & Uses. Core Focus of Providing 3 to 7+ launches Per Day!
Directives & Objectives & Base Line: ISA – ( ISP ) Program & ( IEASL ) System
This is what the International Space Plane (ISP) & International Assisted Space Launch (IEASL) System Program is all about!
01) Electromagnetic Repulsor Propulsion Based System - Onsite Nuclear or Conventional Power Station, Transmission, Storage.
02) Launch Ramp Length - 4 to 7 Miles ( ½ Mile Horizontal, ½ Mile Transition Horizontal to 45 Degrees, 3+ miles at 45 Degrees )
03) Launch Ramp Angle - As Near To 45 Degrees As Possible.
04) Launch Ramp Location - Earths Equator or as close as possible and the Highest Mountain Site able to obtain or access.
05) RLV/SSTO Launch Vehicle - Use of X-33 as System Base Line, but we are reviewing numerous other USA, Russian, European,
Indian RLV/SSTO Vehicles as potential ISP/IEASL Program candidates. Multiple RLV/SSTO Vehicles with Various Capabilities.
( Crewed/Passengers, Modules/Components, Consumables/Cargo, Fuel/Water Tankers, Scientific/Commercial, Special Purpose )
06) ISP/IASL Program - Conducted in a Airbus Industries like Management Model, using “PAY AS YOU GO” & “LAUNCH FOR
HIRE” strategies, through Multi-National Government & Private Sector Collaborative/Cooperative Infrastructure & Programs.
07) ISP/IEASL Program - would be conducted through the ISA Organization & Charter and Treaty Based. Non-Military Program.
08) ISP/IEASL Program - from Start to Full Operation will be planned to be completed in 5 to 7 years, and able to maintain a routine
daily launch schedule of between 3 to 7+ launches per day, as its base line operation goals. (1095 To 2555+ Launches Per Year)
09) Once the ISP/IEASL Program is in full operation - Second Site near by, or other location on Earths Equator, will start to be implemented, and will then offer Two Fully Operational ISP/IEASL Systems, so as to have Program Redundancy and back up in case of mishap, or down time for conducting routine maintenance, regular upgrades, and safety checks.
10) Orbital Refueling Capability - would be a Major Element of ISP/IASL Program. Allowing a wider range of Orbital Break Options and Capabilities. Excess electric power at Launch Site will be used to crack water into H2 & O2 for Fuel needs.

International Mars Exploration (IME) Program
PURPOSE: The International Mars Explorations (I.M.E.) Program / Office will function as the Core/Central Knowledge and Expertise Base and Focal Point of Excellence and Standards for all of Mars (And Mars Moon Phobis) Infrastructure, Operations, Projects, Missions, and Programs of the International Space Agency, I.S.A.. It will be the Key Initiator, Enabler, Conduit, Promoter, and Organizational Instrument for all endeavors specifically related to the exploration, utilization, and human settlement and activities of Mars. This will include (but is not limited to) coordination of the mapping of Mars surface (initially planning robotic surface rovers to map Mars, Google Maps is a good example of what I.S.A. should be looking to achieve.) to identify suitable landing sites, and possible locations for Mars Bases and Facilities, planning and execution of a Mars Orbital Space Station and Space Craft "Infrastructure" to shuttle Personnel, Supplies, Materials, and Equipment from Mars Orbit "to/from" Mars Surface; and various Surface and Subsurface activities and facilities on Mars.

International Luna Exploration (ILE) Program
PURPOSE: The International Luna Explorations (I.L.E.) Program / Office will function as the Core/Central Knowledge and Expertise Base and Focal Point of Excellence and Standards for all of Luna (Earths Moon) Infrastructure, Operations, Projects, Missions, and Programs of the International Space Agency, I.S.A.. It will be the Key Initiator, Enabler, Conduit, Promoter, and Organizational Instrument for all endeavors specifically related to the exploration, utilization, and human settlement and activities of Luna. This will include (but is not limited to) coordination of the mapping of Luna surface (initially planning robotic surface rovers to map Luna, Google Maps is a good example of what I.S.A. should be looking to achieve.) to identify suitable landing sites, and possible locations for Luna Bases and Facilities, planning and execution of a Luna Orbital Space Station and Space Craft "Infrastructure" to shuttle Personnel, Supplies, Materials, and Equipment from Luna Orbit "to/from" Luna Surface; and various Surface and Subsurface activities and facilities on Luna.

International Space Academy
PURPOSE: The International Space Academy “The Space Academy” Is An Academic, Physical Fitness, and Leadership Training Institution, Which Has A Primary Function Of Providing Highly Trained And Capable Space Operations, Scientific, Technical Leaders And Personnel To The International Space Agency, And Its Member States And Organizations; And As A Secondary Function, To Operate As An Academic Training “University” Institution To The Global Space Community And Global Space Sectors. The International Space Academy “The Space Academy” Is A Division Of The International Space Agency Organization.

Why Support The International Space Agency (ISA)?
There are many reasons for supporting the concept of an International Space Agency (ISA), but first the idea should be clearly defined. When the average person thinks of an International Space Agency (ISA), the first thing that comes to mind is the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet from the science fiction series, Star Trek. by Gene Roddenberry. This certainly is a viable impression of what an International Space Agency (ISA) is, but of course, this is fiction. In such a structure, instead of having representatives from planets as in Star Trek, we have representatives from each member country on Earth that joins this international entity. Also one must remember the idea of an International Space Agency (ISA), unlike Star Trek, is scientific fact and is much more realistic. This is not a new concept and, and has been a legal corporation since 1990. and was founded in 1986. In this concept of an International Space Agency (ISA), each nation invests resources and voluntarily sends its people via a diplomatic or special visa, to serve and work in this international agency for a termed period of time. In this structure, international treaties, laws, and policies are set that each member government or organization must follow. If a member country sends any of its citizens to work in this area of international concern, than, during the period of service, that individual must abide by all international treaties, contracts, and laws, which supercede the laws of the individual's country, and follow established rules and regulations of the International Space Agency (ISA). In addition, a global international language must be set as a core standard, so that all members of the International Space Agency (ISA), and its Officers and Personnel can effectively and efficiently communicate. Since the most global Science and Technology “Internet & Academia” and Aerospace “Airline Pilots” used languages on Earth is English, its recommended the means of communication, internally with in the International Space Agency (ISA) and at the International Space Academy be set as English. This is a very serous issue, as due to the complexity and high level of the very dangerous nature of space exploration in the activities of the International Space Agency (ISA), a misunderstanding in critical operations could lead to a mishap or catastrophe that could lead to the loss of life or destruction of assets.
The formation of an ISA does not in any way ask for the abolition of individual space agencies like NASA, Roscosmos, CNSA, ESA, ISRO, or JAXA; or even compete directly with Aerospace & Commercial enterprises. It calls for these agencies and corporations to continue to perform the same functions for each member nation, but now in conjunction with the ISA. For those nations who do not have a national space program of their own, the ISA allows them better access to space technology and the ability to participate in the global space effort. For Corporations Globally, they will now be able to utilize, piggy back, and access a Global Space Program & Space Transportation System of unlimited potential and capability, into a New Space Frontier of unlimited resources, opportunities, and potential. This will create new global economies and employment in the many trillions of dollars, as well as opening new worlds and frontiers to human settlements and exploration. The ISA will act as a key focal point and enabler organization in this regards.
One may ask what is the purpose of all this? In the opinion of the writer of this document, there are many benefits. First and foremost is international diplomacy and cooperation. Whenever countries are brought together to work for a common goal, it enhances cooperation and increases the chance for world peace. We saw this type of cooperation between Russia and the United States with Soyuz & Apollo Link Up, MIR space station, and we are seeing this cooperation even more with the International Space Station (ISS). Since in this proposed ISA, there is no military use of space allowed “Earth Orbit Out / Beyond Earth Orbit” and countries are not competing for their own goals, there is more of a sharing between member nations, thus resulting in better foreign relations. This sharing brings about less concern for ideology and more focus on cooperation and resulting mutual benefits. This is not to say that nations cannot have a military, national space agency, or a national identity, but that is outside, and separate from, the mission and purpose of ISA.
In addition to international diplomacy, an ISA can strengthen global economies. For example, there may be many developing countries that cannot afford the technology and standard of living of "G7" western industrialized countries and other developed countries globally enjoy. By being a member of ISA, even though these developing countries cannot afford the investments of western industrialized nations, they can certainly reap the benefits of membership. These nations will have access to science, technology, and education that would otherwise be impossible. With help of stronger industrialized nations, developing nations can learn new techniques in medicine, environmental technology, how to raise the standard of living of their citizens and how to assist their disabled citizens, through increased access to technology. As ISA matures and grows, the resulting Global Space Programs, Projects, Missions will dramatically spawn a new non-military & peaceful civil: Global Space Industrial Complex & Global Space Exploration Economy.
An ISA can improve the world economy and make world markets more accessible and facilitate world trade in the areas of civil and peaceful science and technology. Unlike present global trade policies between countries, which compete for trade in an adversarial manner, in an ISA, competition is not based on adversarial objectives. It is just shared technology and markets, yielding mutual benefits and trade. This is not to say that competition is negative as it is the basis of capitalism, the most successful economic system to date. In the ISA, there is competition, but it is not adversarial, it is symbiotic and collaborative. For example, if Japan were a member and was selling microprocessors, and wanted to put a plant in Russia in support of a global civil space program, it would not take jobs away from Japanese. This exchange of technology would just enhance job opportunities for all member nations and would especially help other nations globally who have consistent unemployment. The next huge benefit of ISA, global employment opportunities.
In the early 1990s, many defense and aerospace workers globally lost their jobs due to military cutbacks as a result of the end of the Cold War. There were lost opportunities for these employees resulting in a reverse trickle-down effect. As a result, massive lay-offs took place; people purchased less goods and services, reducing the gross national and gross domestic products of most nations. Revenues declined due to lack of employment and deficits resulted. It took the global economy some five years to recover and it is still an economy for the wealthy and CEO's or major corporations. Even with the so-called seven-year expansion, Alan Greenspan has warned us of the possibility of another recession like in 1991. When a major industrialized nation goes into a recession, this has a negative impact on the world due to the lack of trading opportunities and the effects of the nation's currency and international financial markets. We saw this with the advent of the Euro in 1999. The Euro did not perform as well as originally planned, thus having a negative impact on the nations of the European Union. With an ISA in effect, these workers that are affected by downturns in the economies of member nations can be retrained for jobs within the ISA network, and for use in Global Space Programs, Projects, and Missions. For example the exploration and settlement efforts on Earths Moon and on Mars. They can use academic, scientific, technical, military, or other experience and apply it to their new responsibility with the ISA to save on training costs, assisting in diversification into different professional fields, and opening up more job opportunities. Also with the Internet and the World Wide Web, an ISA is even more efficient and can now employ from each member nation a group of computer information technology specialists from each member nation, which can design their nation's webpage to be linked to the main webpage of ISA. The goal of this network would be to transmit and exchange information that is rapidly translated into the many languages of the member nations and organizations of ISA, so that for example: Comet and Asteroid Hunters & Researchers Globally can freely and rapidly exchange critical information and research regarding potentially dangerous Earth Impactors. Also ISA would build a central supercomputer facility that would act as a central database & archive for space & planetary sciences, astronomy, and space technology. With enhancement of fiber optics and wide area networks, this goal is becoming more easily attainable. The employment of ISA web and computer center personnel will help each member nation's employment situation and per capita income as well as revenues from employment taxes needed to cut national deficits.
Group funded launch facilities and space exploration programs would be very important benefit of an ISA, since this is one of its main goals of existence. It is more efficient and less expensive for each country to fund a space station program or planetary research and settlement program, for example, as part of a collective and collaborative group of countries. We see this efficient use of funds with European member nations with in the European Space Agency, which is a Regional European Space Agency, and is the smaller cousin of the larger Global International Space Agency. This of course results in more international cooperation and better international relations because nations are sharing a common project or program in a Global Space Program. Even group space plane launches, satellite launches, etc. bring about different ideals from the different countries involved. For example, if one country has better technology and another has better know-how or intellectual resources, the group project can take the best talents from each country. Therefore, the result will be a much higher quality and robust group space project or program. In addition, the expenses and responsibilities are shared among nations, therefore preventing huge deficits of individual national resources, while giving each nation full access to global space programs, projects, and missions at a fraction of the total cost. This strategy will allow the ISA to provide not for profit services to its member nations and organizations at substantially less cost per member nation or organization, while also providing an International Space Program & Space Transportation Infrastructure of scope, scale, and duration that is sustainable and robust, that would be out side the national domain, ability, and capability. In a way, one can think of the ISA as a national rail or highway system that is not built for profit, but is built to provide infrastructure in which governments, corporations, and individuals will utilize freely in commerce, cargo, and transportation by a wide array of unlimited potentials. ISA will simply act as the focal point, overseer, maintaining, and enabling organization of this global space program and transportation system and infrastructure, and will do so through the collective contributions and dedicated resources and support of its member nations and organizations. This will create a massive emerging global space economy in the many trillions of dollars. New Frontiers historically have always created opportunity.
Spin-off technology is a huge benefit of an ISA. Unlike with individual space agencies, where the spin-off is only accessible to the people of that nation, this would make it accessible to all nations. Spin-offs can be in the area of computer technology, environmental research, the apparel industry, health and safety, medical spin-offs, and technology to help people with disabilities lead more independent and productive lives. Many of the spin-offs that have come out of these previously mentioned areas, have come out of NASA alone. If you had several member nations and their respective space agencies working together, the amount of spin-offs would metastasis logarithmically. This would allow many nations to generate technical transfers that would benefit all member nations. For example, in 1986, the American President and the executive branch had fully funded a program for NASA called the Earth Observatory System which is a high-resolution spectrometer observing the ozone layer and deforestation. With ISA, this program would have been funded, not just by one nation, but by many nations. This would result in a much larger project for which not only the western hemisphere's environments would benefit, but each member nation's ecology would benefit. As a result, there would be many more environmental spin-offs and funding would increase because the sources of spin-offs and funding would increase substantially. Benefits to global orbital remote sensing in the fields of climatolgy, weather, geology, natural resource management, agriculture, map making, and civil engineering, ect., would be massive, and as a result scientific & technological advances in these fields would be rapid.
An ISA would greatly help in the area of education and training. In such a structure, there is no longer the isolated educational systems of particular countries which may not have the highest academic standards. They also may not have the best access to math, science and technology. However, with an ISA, education and educational systems would be shared by all member nations. For example, if a country like Peru which is a developing country, does not have the funding or educational quality that Japan or France have, then Japan and France can share some of their educational acumen with this country, through ISA programs and infrastructure. These more advanced countries can help them come up with better ways of educating their citizens, such as academic programs from major universities beamed by satellite into remote and poor areas, like is done in India by ISRO. This results in stronger cooperation between nations, improved employment opportunities and improved world economies. Indeed, one of the key programs and divisions of the ISA would be the International Space Academy, which would be an academic and training academy like the U.S. Naval Academy, with elements of NASA Astronaught Training Program and Universities mixed in. Like the U.S. Naval Academy, the International Space Academy would bring a wide array of officer, scientific, and personnel recruits from all the member nations and organizations, who would then go through standardized training in order to create a uniform and cohesive core culture and high personnel standards and character in physical, academic, technical, and leadership skills. The ISA, International Space Academy would provide standardized international training programs and high quality space personnel for ISA International Space Programs, Projects, and Missions, as well to the member nations and organizations globally of ISA. The International Space Academy will bring together the best Human Talent, Expertise, and Minds of Earth, for Peaceful, Beneficial, and Nobel Deeds and Enterprises on Behalf of ALL Mankind!
Total Quality Management would definitely result in establishing an ISA. TQM says quality is at all levels and anyone who receives output is your customer. It also states that all those involved in the organization are empowered in decision making that impacts the entity. In an ISA, all member nations would work together for common goals and objectives in Global Space Programs, Projects, and Missions, and international diplomacy and collaboration. Therefore, much of the decisions would be shared by the member nations, resulting in empowerment for each member. It is synergy where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For the organization to run efficiently, quality and standards would have to be the responsibility of each member nation. Just like in a corporation, quality circles of nations can be set up to facilitate the involvement of group decision making with the input of all member nations, even those of developing status. This can be seen clearly in multi-national corporations like Airbus Industries, where components of a completed aircraft come from many countries, and so it is critical for management, quality control, and standardization across the Airbus facilities to be effectively employed. If a tail section from one country, a fuselage from another country, and wings and engines from yet other countries, all come together in a central assembly facility in a host country, it would be a complete disaster if TQM and Standards where not aggressively employed. Any member nation that does not, or can not, abide by the rules, regulations and quality standards of the ISA, may be forced to relinquish their membership if the deviant behavior is not rectified or solvable. This results in a cooperative and efficient organization, vertically, and horizontally, trough out its International Space Administration, International Space Centers, and International Space Commands, and TQM will be Engrained with in the Core Culture of its Leadership, Officers, and Personnel.
The accounting system of ISA is something of paramount importance. Much like accounting systems of governments, there must be systems of receivables, payables, revenues, and expenses for such a large structure and a diverse array of complex and large Global Space Programs, Projects, and Missions. A "General Accounting Office" skilled in large structure non-profit accounting would be necessary in order for such a structure to be managed efficiently and effectively. A benefit here in setting up an ISA, is that all members would be under the same accounting and tax system. ISA would not be concerned or impacted with the tax and accounting systems of individual countries, since each country has its own system. The fact that ISA would have a uniform accounting system which all members must abide by, would assist in international cooperation and unified financial goals and objectives, and create core oversight leading to ethical and effective use of financial resources which have been dedicated to ISA Programs, Projects, and Missions.
The ISA spin off technologies will provide many benefits to people with disabilities in each of the member countries. Since there are several member nations sharing technology for the good of humanity of Earth as a whole, much of the technology that comes from space spin-off technology or technical transfers, with different or new applications from space research, can be applied to aid those with disabilities. An example is in NASA's planetary probes program, there are many studies in robotics. The result of this technology came partly in the form of robots assisting a person with many severe disabilities in enhancing or performing independent living skills. With an ISA, not only do you have the expertise of the Americans, there is the technology of many other member nations. As a group cooperative, there can be improvements in adaptive software and other adaptive equipment and technologies, in the area of communications, daily living skills, mobility, processing skills, vocational and educational assistance. This will result in improved employment opportunities and adaptive aiding technologies for people with disabilities in all member nations of the ISA, resulting in stronger international economies, and improved international relations. Thus enabling many benefits of human compassion & empathy.
There are definitely many benefits to having an International Space Agency (ISA), even more numerous to mention than what has been previously discussed here. Benefits already discussed include employment opportunities, economic improvements, international diplomacy, spin-off technology, total quality management TQM, group financial and accounting systems. Other benefits include more efficient space programs, projects, and missions for member nations and for Earth at large, space programs that are less expensive per nation, improving international relations, world economies, and the lives of people with disabilities through technology. Most importantly, the International Space Agency (ISA) will provide International Space Programs, Projects, Missions, and Space Transportation Infrastructure of Scope, Scale, and Duration that is Sustainable and Robust, and is clearly OUTSIDE the Ability or Capability of the National Domain. Indeed, with all these benefits, it’s therefore evident that anyone will see this pursuit of historic proportions, as a noble and worthwhile endeavor, which will surely have great benefits to all the Nations & Peoples of Earth. Presently, Global tensions are increasing and becoming more polarized, it’s therefore logical that ISA offers hope to ease or reduce these tensions.
Ad-Astra! To The Stars! In Peace For All Mankind!
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